All Possible Scales and Guitar Fingerings

(Assuming 12 equally tempered notes with octave equivalency)

7-note scales 5-note scales (Pentatonics) 6-note scales 8-note Scales
9-note scales 10-note scales 11-note scales 12-note scale
Unison (1-note) Intervals (2-Notes) Triads (3-note) Tetrads (4-note)

Warning: Large files

Interactive Versions

Build your own Scales and Arpeggios 6.0

Shows the modes for arpeggios and scales with any number of notes, with the most common modes preprogrammed.
Allows for any possible scale.
Calculates the scale modes and chords for all.

Higly recommended. This is what I actually use to practice.

11 MB file, so it takes a while to load.

If the file does not perform well on your system, or is confusing because of all the options, I have some previous versions with fewer options on the Interactive page.

Note Per Pattern Variations

The note per pattern shift variations are newer material not in the main documents. (Note per Pattern is not the same as Note per String.)

Different Sortings of All Possible Scales

By Importance

By Number of Notes (as above in one chart) By Similarity Alphabetically

Subsets of scales

Short list of just the most important scales

Scales from the church modes Scales from harmonic minor Scales from melodic minor Scales from whole-tone patterns Scales from octatonic patterns

Comparison chart for the above patterns

Seven-note scale similarity to major

Seven-note scale similarity to minor

Modal groups similar to the church modes

Seven-note Scales sorted by interval size

Summaries of Guitar Scale Fingerings for the most common modes

Three notes per string speed scale

Two-string repeated pattern speed scale

Three-string repeated pattern speed scale

Four notes per string extended range scale

Five notes per string extended range scale

One note per string reference scale

Two notes per string reference scale

Seven notes per string reference scale


Alternate Scale Names

A comparison of how I name scales to other scale name traditions. If you can not find a scale in another page, do a search here and then fiind the name I use.

Tips on learning scales

Note Per Pattern Variations

A comparison of the most popular modes This was an early version of the All the Scales idea which metastasized into the pages above.

My old Learning Scales section

The old Learning Scale section uses tablature instead of vertical forms and does not include a lot of the scale forms I know now, but does include some material not covered here. I need to merge them.

All the Chords Similar to this page, but with chords